Quimioterapia, afecta a todas las células del cuerpo, no sólo a las cancerosas....las que recubren las paredes de la boca, del estómago, las uñas, los folículos capilares, células que se multiplican rápidamente, como las células cancerosas. .... .el cabello se cae, se debilita, los fármacos,las dosis...desde el segundo o tercer día después del primer ciclo ......sucede de forma repentina o lenta...pierdes todo el pelo o sólo una parte... se cae a mechones en lugar de seguir un patrón uniforme... las pestañas, la cejas e incluso el vello púbico...puede crecer nuevamente ... un color nuevo, una textura nueva, una vida nueva. Trenza.
Chemotherapy affects all body cells, not only cancer that recubrne .... which thelining of the mouth, stomach, nails, hair follicles, cells that divide rapidly, like cancer cells. .... . the hair falls out, it weakens, the drugs, doses ... from thesecond or third day after the first cycle ...... it happens suddenly or slowly lose all their hair ... or just part ... falls in clumps rather than follow a uniform pattern ...eyelashes, eyebrows and even pubic hair can grow again ... ... a new color, a new texture, a new life. Braid.
Chemotherapy affects all body cells, not only cancer that recubrne .... which thelining of the mouth, stomach, nails, hair follicles, cells that divide rapidly, like cancer cells. .... . the hair falls out, it weakens, the drugs, doses ... from thesecond or third day after the first cycle ...... it happens suddenly or slowly lose all their hair ... or just part ... falls in clumps rather than follow a uniform pattern ...eyelashes, eyebrows and even pubic hair can grow again ... ... a new color, a new texture, a new life. Braid.
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